Friday, March 21, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Cowardice asks the question 'Is it safe?'
Expediency asks the question 'Is it politic?'
Vanity asks the question 'Is it popular?'
But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?'
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right.

                                                   -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

 I believe this statement is true. Coward people are afraid so they're always wondering if it's safe for them. If it's not they probably won't do it. Like trying to succeed, if they think it's better to just play it safe and not take a risk. Expediency thinks if it's inconvenient in any way, they're not going to try or try to be immoral to get what they want, etc. Although, they know it's not right to be immoral in any way and have to do things the right and proper way. Also being different is a risk we should all be willing to take. Even if it means that you will not fit in with the crowed but you are choosing the right always believe in yourself and be yourself not what others want you to be.

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